How do I know what doctor to choose?

If you’re unsure of what provider or specialist to see, our Symptom Finder can match you to the right specialist for your needs.
- Log in to your Navierre account
- Click on ‘Appointments’ in the menu options
- Scroll down and click ‘Add Appointment’
- Select who the appointment is for
- Under “Don’t know who you want to see?” on the top right of the page, click on ‘Let’s Go’
- Enter your location and click ‘Next’
- Add your insurance information if you have one. Otherwise, select ‘Don’t have an Insurance’ and click ‘Next’
- Select your symptom(s) and click on ‘Next’
- Select a provider from the list of recommended providers click on ‘Book’ or ‘Request’ to schedule an appointment
- Choose the location closest to you from the dropdown
- Click ‘Next’