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Faruk Ali

Faruk Ali, APN has a total of 15 years of experience in the healthcare.His education includes a Bachelors degree in Biological Science, a Bachelors degree in Nursing and a Masters degree in Family Nurse Practitioner from Rutgers State University.

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Explore the wide directory of services offered by this provider

Bariatric Consultation

Category: Weight Loss

Our provider meets with the patient to discuss and treat obesity and to help you get your weight and health back on track!

Weight Loss F/U

Category: Weight Loss

Follow up to your previous appointment for weight loss management.

Flu Shot

Category: Primary Care

Influenza (flu) vaccines (often called “flu shots”) are vaccines that protect against the four influenza viruses that research indicates will be most common during the upcoming season.

Follow Up Visit

Category: Primary Care

Hospital Follow-Up

Category: Primary Care

New Patient Consultation

Category: Primary Care

A consultation with one of our providers to meet you and help diagnose, review and treat any medical problems.


Category: Primary Care

Annual wellness exam once yearly.

Post Op Visit

Category: Primary Care

Postoperative care is the care you receive after a surgical procedure. The type of postoperative care you need depends on the type of surgery you have, as well as your health history. It often includes pain management and wound care.

Pre Op

Category: Primary Care

Sick Visit

Category: Primary Care

Cough, sore throat, body pain, sprains etc..

Blood Work

Category: Laboratory

Our phlebotomist takes a blood sample to check for and diagnose any possible illnesses.

B-12 Injection

Category: Injections